Tomatillo timer


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What is Tomatillo Timer?

Tomatillo Timer is the pomodoro timer with flavor. It's highly configurable and aesthetically pleasing. It syncs music with your study sessions to keep you focused and eliminate distractions.

What is Pomodoro?

Pomodoro is type of tomato and a popular productivity technique. It can be useful for people who may get overwhelmed, procrastinate, or struggle to concentrate.

A tomatillo is also a type of tomato. It's used to make salsa verde, and in this case, make you more productive.

Tomatillo Features

  • Configure time, auto-start, music, intervals
  • Syncs music with timer start / stop
  • Plays nature ambiance during the break
  • Built in task manager removes distractions
  • Journal / text editor for quick notes
  • Ad free and free to use
  • Settings save to your browser

Tomatillo Premium Features

  • Timeblocker helps you schedule your day
  • Data syncs across all devices
  • Record stats, track milestones, unlock achievements
  • Switch between multiple YouTube videos or Spotify playlists

How is it free?

Tomatillo is sponsored by Flotes. This keeps Tomatillo free-to-use and free of ads. You can support Tomatillo through: Tomatillo Premium, a Flotes Pro Subscription, or sharing Tomatillo with your friends!

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Time (Minutes)

Study Options

Auto Start Study Timer
When the break timer ends, start the next study timer
Auto Play Study Music
Start music when pomodoro study starts
Study Music Source
YouTube Video or Spotify playlist
Study Music Volume
Start study music at this volume (0 to disable)
Study Music Video
A YouTube ID for a video or livestream
✨ Premium feature · Multiple music sources
Try any YouTube Video ID: xLCLLflYURw

Study Notification Volume
Play the study notification at this volume (0 to disable)
Study Notification Sound
Sound played at the end of a study timer

Break Options

Auto Start Break Timer
When the study timer ends, start the next break timer
Auto Play Break Music
Start music when pomodoro break starts
Break Music Source
YouTube Video or Spotify playlist
Break Music Volume
Start study music at this volume (0 to disable)
Break Music Video
A YouTube ID for a video or livestream
✨ Premium feature · Multiple music sources

Break Notification Volume
Play the break notification at this volume (0 to disable)
Break Notification Sound
Sound played at the end of a break timer

Long Break Interval
Start long break after number of sessions (0 to disable)

UI Options

Tomatillo Theme
Change color scheme / theme
Background Image URL
Add a background image (Optional)
Try any image url:
Time in Title
Show time & task in browser tab

Task Options

Task Checkbox Sound
Sound played when completing a task